

Why can’t I schedule an appointment on the HUB ?2025-02-05T19:48:10+00:00

It’s possible that your family doctor’s schedule isn’t available yet or that it’s fully booked. You can use the alert system to find out about your doctor’s upcoming availability.

Why can’t I get a phone appointment with my family doctor ?2025-02-05T19:48:01+00:00

Phone appointments are only available at the request of doctors or for specific cases (COVID, ACCIDENT, follow-up of certain results as requested by the doctor)

How to get an emergency appointment at the clinic ?2025-02-05T19:47:52+00:00
  • Emergency appointments are available within 24 hours with your family doctor or the on-call doctor.
  • Book your appointment online or call the clinic at 514-788-6484.
What should I do if I don’t have a family doctor ?2025-02-05T19:47:43+00:00

You can book an appointment with a doctor at Cité Médicale clinic or at another clinic by calling the GAP service at (811), option 3.

What should I do if my family doctor is absent ?2025-02-05T19:47:35+00:00

If your family doctor is unavailable : in case of an emergency, you can schedule an appointment (advanced access) with another doctor at the clinic. Please contact the reception at 514-788-6484.

Medication renewal ?2025-02-05T19:47:26+00:00
  • Did you know that your pharmacist can renew many medications ?
  • Ask your pharmacist to send us a renewal fax.
  • Fax number (514-788-1983).
  • Please note that some renewals may require a medical appointment.
How can I access my laboratory results ?2025-02-05T19:47:18+00:00

Access your results through the Quebec health record. Visit the website www.carnetsante.gouv.qc.ca

Why haven’t I received any feedback on my test results?2025-02-05T19:47:09+00:00

If your test results (blood tests, X-rays, MRI, etc.) are normal, you may not receive direct feedback. The doctor will contact you only if an anomaly is detected and requires follow-up.

My patient portal is not working2025-02-05T19:47:01+00:00
  • Join the reception and request a password reset.
  • Did you know that some forms and results are available via the portal? Ask your doctor for more information.
How to submit a form to my family doctor ?2025-02-05T19:46:53+00:00
  • Before submitting your form, please make sure your part is filled out and signed.
  • Submit in person at the reception or by email to (secretariat@lacitemedicalemtl.com)
  • Respond to the email if you accept the fees so that your request can be processed.
Contact us2025-02-05T19:46:45+00:00
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